Goeppertia makoyana

Goeppertia  makoyana
Home/Foliage Plants/Goeppertia makoyana

How to care for Goeppertia makoyana

  • Light: Part sun, part shade

    Place in a window with dappled sun or a spot in the middle of a room. Or directly in a window facing west or east.

  • Watering need: Medium demand

    This plant is somewhat drought-tolerant, so no need to stress too much about it drying up. Make sure to feel the soil before watering: the top layer (about 2 inches) should be dry before giving this plant more water.

  • Fertilizing need: Low demand

    This plant needs fertilizing just like all of your other plants, but in a lower dose. Plant fertilizer is needed to promote good growth and to stay healthy. You can find more info below how to best fertilize this plants.

  • Download Planta to get more accurate care instructions tailored to suit you and your plant's specific needs

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How to repot your plant

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How to Mist Your Plant

It's best to mist your plants in the morning, when the sun is not too strong and the temperature is cooler. This will give the water time to evaporate before the heat of the day sets in.

Find out more about: How to Mist Your Plant