Dracaena sanderiana

Dracaena sanderiana
Home/Blattpflanzen/Dracaena sanderiana

How to care for Dracaena sanderiana

  • Light: Part sun, part shade

    Place in a window with dappled sun or a spot in the middle of a room. Or directly in a window facing west or east.

  • Watering need: Medium demand

    This plant is somewhat drought-tolerant, so no need to stress too much about it drying up. Make sure to feel the soil before watering: the top layer (about 2 inches) should be dry before giving this plant more water.

  • Download Planta to get more accurate care instructions tailored to suit you and your plant's specific needs

If yellow leaves occur: remove all yellow leaves / parts, clean the container it’s in and clean the roots. Consider planting it in soil.Read more

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