
Haworthia actually refers to a genus containing many different succulents, that are for the most part native to South Africa. They are small in size, but can look very distinctive with different patterning and white and green coloring. As they're so little, they can make a great desk plant if you're short on space but still want to add a bit of greenery to your working environment.

They form in rosettes that lie close to the soil, and in the wild their diameter can sometimes spread as wide as 12 inches (30 cm). However, generally speaking, these plants are really tiny and cute!

Many people like to collect the different Haworthia variations, with some types being much more common than others, but they all share the typical hardy nature of succulents. This helps make them an easy to care for plant, as they don't need too much attention.

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Like other succulents, Haworthias don't need too much water and enjoy plenty of sunlight (although note that too much direct sun may potentially scorch the leaves). They're adapted to hot habitats with sandy and rocky soils, so you should ensure that yours is potted in a well-draining medium.

The easiest way to kill a Haworthia is by overwatering them - they really don't need much, and should be allowed to dry out between waterings. If your home doesn't have much light then the watering need is reduced even further. If you're ever unsure then you should hold off on watering, as a Haworthia can tolerate a lack of watering much better than too much water.

These plants are also a good choice if your home isn't particularly humid, as they are fine with dry air. It can be really tempting to buy moisture-loving rainforest plants as they're often so beautiful, with unique colors and patterns, but with a Haworthia you can still get the attractive patterns without the hassle of trying to replicate high humidity conditions in your home.

If the leaves start to curl or yellow, this is usually due to watering problems. Curling leaves are often a sign of underwatering, whereas yellowing is a telltale sign of too much watering.

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The different varieties can show a number of patterns, such as little white polka dots, stripey zebra-like banding, layered ridges and thin vein-like translucent stripes. There's something for everyone!

Want to move it outside during summer? Absolutely! Just let it get used to the light for some hours per day in the beginning.