Pothos 'Global Green'

Pothos 'Global Green'

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Pothos plants (or Epipremnum aureum) are very beginner-friendly, as they are known to be forgiving of a missed watering every now and then. They're also suitable for a variety of different home environments. Their preference is bright, indirect light, but it's also safe to place your pothos in a more shaded corner if you have other more demanding plants that are occupying your window ledge.

Looking for an easy-care office plant? Pothos can do well even in locations with only artificial lighting, and their attractive foliage will help brighten up any workspace!


These plants are of Polynesian origin and are fairly drought-resistant. If you're unsure, it's better to hold off on watering, as overwatering will do much more harm to your pothos than underwatering it.

Global green pothos


Pothos 'Global Green' offers a green on green variegation. - Perfect for anyone who loves a classic green plant but still wants a little pizzazz.

Bear in mind that, unfortunately, pothos are toxic to animals, so if you have a particularly curious cat or dog who is known to nibble on your plants, then this may not be the plant for you. Make sure to place it well out of reach.

Pothos plants also grow very fast - they can develop long, trailing vines that can potentially become a jungle-like tangle if left unattended! If you want to avoid this, just keep an eye on them and gently shake them out every now and then to separate them.

Thanks to its aerial root system, pothos can grow almost straight up a tree or wall, so let it climb!

They are sometimes also known as Devil's Vine because of their 'impossible to kill' nature, and due to the fact that they can survive in dark conditions. It is also the only known species in the Araceae family that does not produce flowers.

Global green pothos

How to propagate your Pothos

Luckily, pothos can be very easily propagated! All you need to do is take a stem cutting and then place it in water.

Taking a stem cutting

Take one of the mature vines on your pothos and locate a 'vine juncture', then look for a little brown root node. These tiny roots are very important in propagation, as this is where new roots will later grow from. Make sure at least one node is included in your cutting, and make the actual cut around 2 inches (~5cm) along the stem before the node.

Pothos are Aroids, meaning they are part of the 'Araceae' family. Aroids are often well-suited to being propagated in water, so if you prefer not to use potting soil, you can just place your cutting directly into a clear glass container (such as an old jar) filled with water.

Pothos Propagation

Check on your pothos propagation around once a week to see how the root growth is coming along, and top it up with lukewarm (room temperature) water as needed. If the water starts to become murkier/ less clear over time, you should switch it out for fresh, clean water. After a month or so, once the root is long and established enough, you can then transplant your propagation into a pot instead if you want. Use a well-draining potting mix, and ensure that your new plant gets enough light (although you should avoid strong, direct light).