How to water

Peace lilies love water and do not like to dry out completely. Feel the soil: The top soil should be dry but it can then be slightly dry to a bit moist below the top soil. It shouldn't be wet when watering it again. There are several ways to water Peace lilies - they aren’t very picky. Choose a way that suits you the best.

If the soil is wet or the top soil is still moist - snooze this action, we will remind you again in 2 days.

Tropical flowering watering 4

Water over the soil

  1. Pour water over the soil, using, for example, a watering can or put the plant directly under a tap

  2. Continue adding water to the pot until it starts to run out from the drainage holes

  3. If you have a tray under the pot when watering, make sure you remove all the collected water afterwards - never let your plant sit in water

  4. If you watered under a tap make sure that water has stopped running out from the bottom before putting it back

Peace lilies can be real drama queens if they dry up and show it by dropping their leaves. Give them water and they will get back in shape in no time. — Planta tip

Peace lily

Bottom watering

  1. Fill the plant tray with water

  2. Make sure the soil is in contact with the water on the tray

  3. Wait for about 10 minutes

  4. Feel the soil to see if it absorbed enough water —> if the soil is moist throughout, remove any excess water from the tray

  5. If it’s still dry —> add more water to the tray

  6. Wait 20 more minutes before removing the excess


Bottom watering will not wash away salts and other minerals from the soil, so make sure to also give water over the soil every now and then.

Water bath

  1. Fill a bucket or any other vessel with lukewarm water

  2. Lower the whole pot down in the water, stop where the stem of the plant starts. Make sure all of the soil is under water

  3. The water will now start to bubble - wait until it stopped

  4. Lift the pot up and let the excess drain off

  5. Put your Peace lily back in the cachepot or on the tray

  6. After 1 hour, check that your plant isn’t standing in water, if it is it might get overwatered and rot

Peace lilies love softened and/or filtered water. Hard water can be one cause of brown edges on your peace lily’s leaves.  — Planta tip