The Best Way to Take Care of Your Onions

The Best Way to Take Care of Your Onions

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How to water

Onions need a lot of water when first planted, and then want less when the leaves begin to yellow and fall over.

When newly planted: keep soil slightly moist (but not wet) all the time

When leaves begin to yellow: let soil dry up slightly between waterings

If the soil is too wet - snooze this action, we will remind you again in 2 days.

Onion Watering 1

Water over the soil

  1. Pour water over the soil, using, for example, a watering can or put the plant directly under a tap

  2. Continue adding water to the pot until it starts to run out from the drainage holes

  3. If you have a tray under the pot when watering, make sure you remove all the collected water afterwards - never let your plant sit in water

  4. If you watered under a tap make sure that water has stopped running out from the bottom before putting it back

Even if onions like water, they need excellent drainage, so make sure that the soil and the pot help excess water to run out. — Planta tip

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