Dragon Tree

Dragon Tree

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The Dragon Tree, Dracaena marginata, is a beautiful, hardy plant that originates from Madagascar. It's notoriously hard to kill (if you don't water it too much), so is a great choice for new plant owners and / or those who travel a lot, as they can tolerate periods of drought well.

They can grow very tall - up to 70 feet (over 21m!) in the wild, or 6 feet (182cm) when grown as a houseplant.

The 'dragon' name comes from a legend that an ancient, many-headed dragon was once slaughtered and that its blood caused many new trees to grow in that area - these were dragon trees!

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These plants are very easy-care and can adapt well to a number of different light and temperature conditions.

Ideally, they should be kept in bright indirect light. They can alternatively handle lower light levels, and this is actually preferable to full sun conditions as exposure to harsh light can damage your Dragon Tree's leaves.

They grow slowly and periodically shed older leaves, so don't worry too much if your plant drops a few leaves every now and then.

Dragon Trees can handle drought much better than too much water, so make sure that the soil dries up properly between waterings!

They don't need too much watering. You should only water when the top layer of soil has dried out. However, they can benefit from increased humidity, so you should mist it according to Planta's schedule.

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Dragon Trees are great at removing toxins from the air, so can act as a natural air purifier in your home. However, it should be noted that these plants are toxic to animals, so are not a pet-friendly choice.

The leaves of the Dragon Tree can have a few different colors, including a dark reddish-purple, a rich green and even a striped variety. They're slim and spiked, and can grow outward in all directions if not pruned, producing a dramatic, tall plant to brighten up a corner in your home or office.

The Dragon Tree isn't actually a real tree, but may get its name from the impressive heights that it can achieve and / or its strong trunk.

Dracaenas are actually related to the Asparagus family! Dracaena is in itself a genus including over 40 different species. The name means 'female dragon'.

In the wild, Dracaenas can flower, however, it's very unlikely that you'll be able to replicate this indoors.

Dragon Tree