Cylinder Snake Plant

Cylinder Snake Plant

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Sansevieria cylindrica, known by its common name the Cylinder Snake Plant, originates from Africa, where they enjoy hot conditions with relatively little rainfall. This makes them a hardy low-maintenance plant that can tolerate a little neglect every now and then.

Cylinder Snake Plant


Fastest way to kill it? Too much water compared to the amount of light, so place it somewhere light and make sure that the soil dries up properly between waterings.

The most important thing to bear in mind when it comes to Cylinder Snake Plants is not to overwater them. These plants prefer to dry out between waterings and can cope much better with infrequent watering than excessive watering. If your Snake plant gets too much water, it can develop root rot, which can be fatal. For this reason, it's also a good idea to plant your Snake plant in well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes through which excess water can escape.

They can tolerate a variety of light conditions, but will grow more slowly in darker spots.

Cylinder Snake Plants are toxic to humans and animals, so keep them out of reach of curious pets or children!

Cylinder Snake Plant 2


There are actually around 70 different types of Snake plant, although they typically look quite similar to each other. The Cylinder Snake Plant stands out because of its rounded, spear-like appearance, which gives it its alternative nickname of the African Spear Plant.

Each leaf is around 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick, and is designed to be able to store water - this is why this plant is able to withstand periods of drought.