Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen

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The Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema commutatum, is a beautiful, easy-care plant that makes a great option for beginner plant owners and will brighten up any home with its attractively patterned foliage.

They're native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, and were first brought to the Western world in the late 1800s.

Unlike other tropical plants, Chinese Evergreens are very hardy and low-maintenance and can handle a bit of neglect like a champ!

Chinese Evergreen


Chinese Evergreens will thrive even in challenging conditions such as dry air and low light, plus they're even quite drought-tolerant, so don't panic if you accidentally miss a watering every now and then.

Never place it in direct sunlight, but do ensure they are in a bright area with lots of indirect light-- especially the varieties with light variegation.

Ideally, your Aglaonema should be planted in a pot with a well-draining soil mix and placed in a spot that's sheltered from harsh sunlight but still gets plenty of indirect light - this will help encourage your plant to flower.

These plants prefer warmer temperatures (not falling below 60 °F or 16 ° C) and will be thankful if given fairly humid conditions. Exposure to drafts can cause damage to their pretty foliage, so try to keep it away from open windows, air vents or A/C units.

As with many plants that have larger leaves, your Chinese Evergreen will benefit from being cleaned every now and then to help prevent dust buildup. Just take a damp cloth and gently wipe both sides of the leaves. This is also a good way to check up on your plant's condition, so keep an eye out for any unusual markings (such as spots or dried-up leaf edges) or signs of pests.

Chinese Evergreen 2


When given enough light, Chinese Evergreens can produce flowers that look a lot like those of a Peace Lily - they belong to the same Family (Araceae) after all!

These plants come in a number of different varieties that show vibrant variegation patterns and colors, such as shades of pink, red, creamy-white and light green.