Arabian Coffee Plant

Arabian Coffee Plant

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The Arabian Coffee plant (Coffea arabica) is a glossy-leafed green plant native to Ethiopia and tropical Africa. It produces small berries containing seeds - these seeds can then be used to grow the coffee beans that are used to make coffee, hence this plant's name!

In the wild they can grow quite large, becoming a full tree with time. As a houseplant, though, they can reach a maximum of 5. 9 feet (1.8 m) and can be pruned to maintain a more manageable size.

Arabian Coffee


You should place your Arabian Coffee plant near a window with plenty of bright, indirect light, although it should be sheltered from harsh direct sunlight, as this can damage the leaves. Additionally, they can be sensitive to drafts, so don't place yours too near A.C. units or other areas where the plant may be exposed to drafts.

Only water with lime-free water and protect against full sun during the summer.

These plants love water and like their soil to be kept moist at all times. Check the soil regularly to make sure it doesn't dry out. However, don't let it get waterlogged. The ideal soil for an Arabian Coffee plant is a permeable soil that allows water to travel through it easily. It should also be slightly acidic - the perfect pH is around 6 - 6.5.

Arabian Coffee 2


Although Arabian Coffee plants grow very fast, it can take several years (between 4 and 8 years) before they start to produce flowers and fruits. The fruits are red in color, looking a bit like small cherries, and each berry contains two seeds.

These plants are toxic to both humans and animals, so be sure to keep them well out of reach of both children and pets.

Note that you can't grow Arabian Coffee plants from store-bought beans, as these have been roasted.