What is salt buildup?

Salt buildup on the soil surface is very common and harmless to most plants. However, to some plants that are extra sensitive to lime or high mineral levels, this may be an indicator that you should intervene to keep them healthy.


salt clay terracotta pot

What to do now

Ericaceous plants

For plants that are sensitive to lime and a higher pH level, mineral buildup can be an indication that the water you're using is too rich in minerals. Improper pH levels can interfere with the plants ability to take up sufficient nutrients from the soil which results in stunted growth or discoloration of the foliage.

Note: An activated carbon filter pitcher is not sufficient to remove limescale from water for sensitive plants.

Common questions

Is salt buildup bad for my plant?

For the most part no, but it depends on the plant.

How do I know if my plant is sensitive to lime?

In Planta, you can see if the plant is sensitive to lime. You can find this on the Plant Info tab for the plant in question.

Can salt buildup occur from too much fertilizer?

Yes, but overfertilizing will usually show earlier as other more severe symptoms like droopy foliage or dry leaves, much like overwatering or drought. If after fertilizing, you see some white spots on the foliage of your plant, gently wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Is the salt buildup like regular table salt?

The salts that build up in plant soil aren’t quite the same as our typical table salt. Rather, these could be either mineral salt deposits which are composed of calcium carbonate, sodium, and iron (limescale) or fertilizer salt deposits that come from the various components of mineral fertilizers .