Why is this happening?

The correct lighting and watering routine are essential to the health of your plant. Plants require sufficient light to grow well, but it also affects how much water the plant uses. A plant placed in a brighter spot drinks more than the same plant placed in a darker area.


Overwatering Dracaena Yellow Leaves

What to do know

Watering Plants in Window

Common questions

Is this a common issue?

An imbalance in water and light is often diagnosed when people encounter issues with their plants.

Can I move my plant to full sun?

Yes, if the plant can handle full sun exposure. However, it's advisable to acclimate it gradually to avoid risking leaf scorching.

Why is my plant draining water slowly?

If you observe slow drainage despite having sufficient drainage holes in your pot, there may be an issue with the soil. Check the type of soil you are using, or consider manually aerating it to prevent compaction.