When your orchid is done flowering

When your orchid is done flowering

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Why did the flowers drop?

It can be alarming when your orchid suddenly stops flowering, especially if it hasn't flowered for a long time. But don’t worry - it’s possible that it will flower again! It’s actually perfectly normal for an orchid to go through a cycle of flowering followed by a period where the plant focuses on growing leaves instead.

Orchid done flowering

What to do now

  • Keep your orchid in a bright spot with lots of indirect light, sheltered from direct sunlight

  • During the winter months, add a grow light if necessary

  • Regular watering and fertilizing

  • When your orchid is done flowering, prune back its flower spikes in order to encourage it to flower again

  • Check if your orchid is in need of repotting and check the health of its root system

  • Orchids are accustomed to a slightly lower night-time temperature so place it near a window to create this effect.

  • Keep it away from heaters in winter an AC in summer

  • Avoid big temperature changes and drafts

  • Patience - most times the plant only needs time and stable growing conditions to flower again

Common questions

Why did the flowers drop so quickly after I bought it?

When you first get your orchid it will most likely already have plenty of flowers and buds. These will last for several weeks if the orchid is healthy and cared for properly in the right conditions. Eventually the flowers will fall from the spikes⁠—how long this takes depends on how long your orchid has been flowering before you brought it home.

How do I prune back its flower spikes?

Follow the tip of the spike down to below the lowest flower and cut just above the first node you meet. This might promote the growth of a secondary flower spike over the next few months. If the entire spike has started to wilt or turn yellow you can just prune it back to the base of your plant. Your orchid will eventually produce a new flower spike if given the right conditions.