Black Spots

Black Spots

Want to learn more about Symptoms: Small Black Spots (Black Spot Fungus)

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Why are there black spots on my plant?

If you start to notice small black spots on your plant it is likely due to a fungal or bacterial infection, collectively called Black Spot Leaf Disease. Black Spot Disease can be identified by the presence of small, circular black spots that occur on your plant's foliage and, in some cases, on the stems. These spots sometimes have perforated edges.

One of the common species is Rose Black Spot Disease that specifically affects different rose species and cultivars. There are, however, many other species of Black Spot Leaf Disease that can affect different plants.


  • General overall weakening

  • Yellowing of the leaf tissue

  • Premature leaf drop (advanced cases may result in complete defoliation)

Black Spot Fungus

Common causes

Black spot typically occurs in the springtime or fall when conditions have been particularly moist and humid, and is spread from plant to plant via rain splash as well as by wind.

Black Spot Fungus 2

What to think about

If you have an infected plant, it's important to try and isolate it before it can affect your other plants too. Removing affected leaves and disposing of them at the end of the season prevents further spread. Note that these circular spots may be a bit trickier to identify in plants that have been badly affected, as they can eventually combine to form wider areas of darkened leaf tissue. The infected areas may potentially also appear more gray or brownish in color than black.