Leaning Plant

Leaning Plant

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Why is my plant leaning?

Plants grow towards any light that they find, as this is their source of energy. When plants grows in their natural habitat they are exposed to the natural light produced by the sun. As the sun passes over the sky, plants get light exposure from all angles. This promotes a more even growth compared to when a plant only gets light from the direction of the closest window. If your plant seems to be lopsided or uneven, it's usually not anything to worry about - it can just be a bit of an eyesore!


  • Lopsided

  • Uneven foliage

  • Top-heavy and unbalanced

Leaning Plant

Common causes

If you notice your plant starting to lean or growing unevenly, it may be an early indication that something is wrong with your plant's lighting setup. If the light source is plentiful and covering most of the plant then this typically isn't noticeable, as the growth will be even and the plant's foliage will spread out in a more well-rounded way.

What to think about

Again, this isn't necessarily something you need to worry about unless your plant isn't getting enough light to stay healthy (in which case you'll likely notice additional symptoms, as your plant's wellbeing will suffer). However, if the leaning becomes severe, it may eventually lead to your plant becoming top-heavy and unbalanced to the point where it may topple over.

You can prevent this by moving your plant to a place with more even lighting all around or rotate your plant once or twice a month. You should rotate the leaning side away from the light so the plant can correct its growth. Keep in mind though, that if your plant has a severe lean, it may need to be staked up or trained to grow properly again.

Providing your plant an artificial grow light can also provide more lighting and help it maintain a good shape.

If you suspect your plant isn't getting enough light, you should amend the situation as fast as you can. Plants that don't get sufficient light aren't able to photosynthesize efficiently, which can, in the long term, be fatal.