Plant trends 2023 - Hoya

Plant trends 2023 - Hoya

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Plant trends 2023 - Hoya

Hoyas have been on the rise for a couple of years, but never as trendy as they are now! There’s a Hoya for every taste. No matter if you’re into easy plants, demanding plants, flowering plants, silvery plants or variegated plants, this genus has it all. There is a huge range of both common and rarer hoyas, which makes them interesting both for decorating your home as well as for the hardcore plant collectors that just gotta catch ‘em all.

Many species are also relatively low maintenance and can thrive in a variety of conditions, making them an excellent choice for both experienced and beginner gardeners.

hoya pubicalyx

Hoya plants originates from Southeast Asia, Australia and New Guinea, with over 500 accepted species found in these regions. In their natural habitat, Hoya plants can grow as climbing or trailing vines or shrubs. They grow best in humid environments with well-draining soil and bright, indirect light. They can also be found growing on tree trunks and branches, using their aerial roots to anchor on to the tree and to absorb moisture and nutrients from the air and surrounding vegetation.

There are many different species of Hoya plants, each with its own unique features and bloom characteristics. Here are just a few interesting ones to look out for: H. pubicalyx, H. polyneura, H. multiflora, H. latifolia, H. krohniana

Hoyas can be grown for both their foliage and blooms, offering a wide range of sizes and colors. Their flowers often have varying fragrances, including scents of butterscotch found in the flowers of, for example, Hoya bilobata.

Hoya compacta


Most species of Hoya prefer a warm and humid environment, with bright indirect light. Water them sparingly and allow the soil to dry out almost completely before watering again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it is important to allow the plant to dry out in between waterings. A few species are more sensitive to drought and should be kept slightly moist at all times. They also prefer well-draining soil suitable for epiphytic plants.

Elin-s Hoya latifolia & Hoya lacunosa - Elin (kopia)