The best way to overwintering your Lilium

The best way to overwintering your Lilium

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Overwintering Lilium

It can definitely be a bit tricky to get your Lilium to survive the winter in climates where it can't grow outside. There are, however, some tips and steps you can follow to give your plant the best possible conditions.



  • Carefully dig up the bulbs before frost or when the leaves have wither down, shake off any excess soil from the bulbs

  • Remove old, damaged and soft bulbs.

  • Put the bulbs in a tray or pot with peat, sand or cedar chips.

Care during winter

  • Store the bulbs in a frost-free, cool (40-45 °F / 4-7 °C is perfect) and dark place. A basement or garage works perfectly fine.

  • Check the bulbs once in a while to make sure that they haven't started to rot (and if so, immediately remove any mold or rotted parts to prevent it from spreading).

  • Don't water them until it's time to prepare them for spring.

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