Is it really necessary to mist plants?

Is it really necessary to mist plants?

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Is misting really needed?

Whether or not to mist your plants is something that is often debated, and many believe it's not really necessary or that it may potentially even be harmful to your plants! However, we at Planta recommend misting for a few different reasons.

First and foremost, misting should not cause any harm to your plants unless you overdo it. Letting the leaves get too wet and / or allowing them to stay excessively wet for a prolonged period of time can encourage mold growth on the leaf surface, so it's always important to ensure you don't ever allow puddles of water to form on your plants' leaves - this applies when watering as well as when misting. You should also make sure to never mist flowers. As long as you use a spray bottle with an adjustable nozzle, you can set it so that it applies only a fine, thin mist of water. Try testing it on your hand first before spraying your plants - if you can feel pressure from the water as it hits your skin then it's turned up too high.

You should also make sure to spray your plants from a bit of a distance. You'll notice if you hold the spray bottle very close to the leaves when misting they'll get much more wet and may even start to drip water, which is not what you want to happen! Therefore, stepping back a bit and giving your plant some clearance when you mist it will help to prevent misting incorrectly.


The benefits of misting

Frequent misting is thought to help to boost the humidity around your plants, which is something that moisture-loving varieties can really appreciate. So, if you have dry air in your home, it is a good idea to mist regularly to help counterbalance this.

Aside from this, misting also offers a good opportunity to check up on your plants and see how they're doing. By looking more closely at your plants as you mist, you're more likely to pick up on the first signs and symptoms of problems such as pest infestations, plant diseases or imbalances such as over- or underwatering. Catching issues like these early is often key to your plant being able to recover quickly and get back to full health, which is why it's important to keep an eye on any changes.

Misting can additionally help to keep the leaves free of dust or other debris that can collect there. Too much dust on the leaves can interfere with efficient photosynthesis, which is why some plant types need their leaves to be cleaned on a regular basis. In between cleanings, though, misting is a good way to stop the buildup from getting too extensive.

Misted leaves

When not to mist

Some plants don't like to be misted, so you should check the 'Plant Info' tab in Planta before misting if you're unsure - this will tell you if a particular plant variety can be misted or not. Examples of some plants that don't appreciate misting are succulents and other drought-resistant plants like Aloe Vera and Jade Plants, as well as any plants that have fuzzy or hairy leaves, as it is easy to cause these kinds of leaves to rot if they get too wet.

In other cases, even plants that normally like misting may occasionally not need it. For example, if your plant has a pest infestation and you are treating it topically, it may be unnecessary (or possibly even detrimental at times) to mist it on top of this regular treatment - especially as some pest types are drawn to moisture. You can return to your normal misting schedule once your plant is back to full health again.