How to fertilize Vegetables

How to fertilize Vegetables

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How to fertilize vegetables

Even if you grow your vegetables in rich soil, most vegetables still require a boost of fertilizer to grow better and stay healthy. A good thing to remember is to be careful fertilizing small seedlings / plants since the fertilizer can burn the roots. But when the plant has started to grow a bit, or if it's already grown up, a fertilizer suited for vegetables will help the plant reach its full potential.

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Choose the best fertilizer

If you're going to eat what you're growing, we would recommend that you choose a fertilizer that's suited for edible crops (and if possible choose an organic one as well).

  • When it comes to NPK: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K), select a fertilizer that's a bit higher in N and K since most vegetables will absorb that pretty fast from the soil.

Different compositions for vegetables

  • NPK 4,5-1-6,5

  • NPK 11-3-8

Recommended fertilizers

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This is how to fertilize vegetables

  • Mix the right amount of fertilizer with water according to the instructions on the package

  • Pour the solution over the soil

  • If possible, try to avoid getting the solution on the stems and leaves

  • Continue adding the solution to the pot until it starts to run out of the drainage holes in the bottom

  • After about 1 hour, check that the pot isn’t sitting in water - and if needed pour off excess water