All About Outdoor Bonsais

All About Outdoor Bonsais

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What exactly is a bonsai?

  • The Bonsai is a type of dwarf tree - they're not actually genetically dwarfed, but they require frequent maintenance (such as pruning) in order to maintain their small status. However, they do vary quite a bit in size, with some being as small as 1 inch (3 cm) and larger varieties as large as 80 inches (203 cm).

  • The name Bonsai is Japanese, essentially meaning 'a tree planted in a container' (written as: 盆栽). They've been grown in this way for over a thousand years, first by 14th-century Japanese aristocrats, and their maintenance has since become something of an art form in itself.

maple bonsai

Bonsai Care

  • The exact care needs of Bonsais can vary depending on the type, but generally speaking they need lots of sunlight, humidity and protection from drafts and / or heat.

  • Learning how to water a Bonsai correctly can also take some practice. The shallow soil dries out very quickly, meaning that underwatering can easily occur if you're not careful.

  • When you do water, ensure that you thoroughly saturate the entire root system - add enough water so that it starts to run out of the bottom of the container through the drainage holes (but always make sure to empty out any excess water from the tray afterwards).

Choosing the right soil

Using an incorrect soil type will make Bonsai care much more difficult than it needs to be! For Bonsais, all-purpose soil tends to retain water for too long and can easily become compacted, which can ultimately kill the plant through overwatering.

Soil / soil amendments that are suitable for Bonsais include Akadama, Pumice, Lava Rock and Fine grit, as these all help boost aeration and drainage.

  • It should be noted that starting a Bonsai can be a lengthy process (up to several years), so it's much more time-efficient to buy an already-established plant instead, especially if you're a beginner with Bonsais.

  • You shouldn't plant your Bonsai in a normal pot, as this will promote vigorous growth and so it will quickly lose its distinctive compactness. Likewise, you'll also need to prune it regularly to maintain its shape.

bonsai outdoor

Which types of Bonsai can be grown outdoors?

Deciduous Bonsai trees benefit from being kept outdoors so that they can experience seasonal changes, and the majority of Bonsai types are hardy enough to do well outside.

Examples of some outdoor Bonsais include: Japanese Maple, Olive Tree Bonsai, Azalea Bonsai, Conifers and Apple Tree Bonsai (such as Malus sylvestris species).